The Secret

Dive into a spectacular 3D action-adventure-epic with a fascinating story, action-packed gunfights and car races. Play the Prologue, a Character and story orientated Action-Adventure-Epic with spectacular gunfights, a fascinating story and action-packed car races. The game is composed of elements of driving games, adventure and third-person shooter and features open-world gameplay. Given the game's ambitious goals, only a demo in the form of a prologue was released. The Secret, Adventure and Action Game, 2009-2012 I managed to inspire developers around the world to start this massive project with me. It was my largest project and an amazing experience for all.

  • 23 developers where involved in this project.
  • Started as a hobby with the Blender Game Engine in 2009.
  • Professionalized in 2011 and completely rebuilt in Unity Engine 3.
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